Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Name Spelling

I read Trev's email and immediately mispelled his daughter's name, but I appreciated his willingness to change it to my spelling. When Sam started dating Cathy, I wrote it down as Kathy and it took me two Christmases to get it right. When Corlet had Cheri, my mom couldn't spell it write for years. So I guess I come by it honestly. Since I'm on names, I should share the history and potential changes for my own kids names.

Trevor Lane-- I thought Trevor was a unique name in 1975. In retrospect the name "Lane" came from a name I heard at BYU, but we should have named him Trevor Leonard in honor of hs maternal grandfather.

Samuel John--named after his maternal great grandfather. He was such a rounder, drinker etc that we switch the names. His name was John Samuel and we did the switch.

Ryan Jay--It just sounded good. We started to figure a name when driving to the hospital for delivery. While Deb was in labor with Ryan, the TV stations were showing about a coup in Nicaragua trying to overthrow "El Jefe Supremo de las Fuerzas Armadas de Nicaragua" General Somoza. I served several months of my mission in Nicaragua. (This will another blog in the future.)

Randall Fredrick. His middle name is named after me, but I took the "e" out between Fred and Rick. The reason: I was never sure what my formal name was until I was married. I though by doing this for Randy he wouldn't have to worry about that. Again, the Randall sounded good fo him. Also, the name Fredrick or Frederick means "peaceful ruler" and has been a Newcomer name for many generations. I do hope that it goes foreward in the future.

Lacey Renee. She was a surprise for us and Deb and I went through all kinds of names trying to find one that would fit her absolutely perfectly. I still remember some of the names we wanted to give her: Tara Christine, Trina, Anna Corlet. I still love her name though and wouldn't have had any other name.

Derrick Douglas. Middle named for his Uncle Doug. First name came from a guy I worked with at the Clinton Power Plant in Illinois who I admired because he was a man who was focused and pushed and got things done. However, he was a Derek and I didn't want to get that exact same spelling.

So there is a quick explanation of our kids' names.

What's in a name? Identification, personality, memorials.

Edwin Vance Newcomer was a three generation name in our Newcomer line and unfortunately it didn't care into the fourth generation.

PS: My very first girlfriend (3rd grade) was name Debbie (Deborah) so when I met my wife, it was an easy sell.

Frederick (named after great grandfather Frederick Fectic Newcomer) Mohlman (named after my mothers birth sirname)Newcomer

1 comment:

Trevor said...

Wow, Dad, your really starting to post consistently. So, my middle name is a mistake? I think Trevor Lane rolls off the tongue better than Trevor Leonard. That being said, Rayley is a name we both stumbled apon while driving to a grocery store nearby, which is named "Raley's." We wanted to spell the name different than the store, and we wanted to have a name that went well with the middle name, Mei. Mei means beautiful in Mandarin. Rayley Mei just sounds good to us.